Experts call for overhaul of pharmaceutical policies to ensure drug safety

Experts call for overhaul of pharmaceutical policies to ensure drug safety

Health experts in Poland have issued recommendations to the government calling for specific measures to increase drug safety and boost domestic production. Medicine safety encompasses the entire journey of pharmaceutical products, from production facilities to the hands of patients in pharmacies and hospitals. This goes beyond just manufacturing medicines, as… Continue Reading Experts call for overhaul of pharmaceutical policies to ensure drug safety

Cannabis: Recommended dose of CBD reduced in UK due to safety concerns

Cannabis: Recommended dose of CBD reduced in UK due to safety concerns

Since 2018, when the British parliament passed a law legalizing CBD, the non-psychoactive component of cannabis, sales of CBD-related products have skyrocketed. Today you can buy CBD oil, CBD vape pens, CBD coffee, CBD muffins to accompany your CBD coffee. And these products are often sold with various vague promises… Continue Reading Cannabis: Recommended dose of CBD reduced in UK due to safety concerns