FTC plans to hire child psychologist to guide internet rules

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Monkeybusinessimages | Istock | Getty Images The Federal Trade Commission plans to hire at least one child psychologist who can guide its work on Internet regulation, Democratic Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya told The Record in an interview published Monday. FTC Chair Lina Khan supports the project, Bedoya told the outlet, adding… Continue Reading FTC plans to hire child psychologist to guide internet rules

Use this 60-second exercise when you’re stressed at work, says Harvard-trained psychologist: Anyone can do it

Use this 60-second exercise when you're stressed at work, says Harvard-trained psychologist: Anyone can do it

Lindsay Bira swears by freediving for long periods of underwater diving while holding her breath as a method of reducing stress. Water may even be optional. Working to increase the amount of time you can hold your breath is a highly valuable mental and emotional trick, according to Bira, clinical… Continue Reading Use this 60-second exercise when you’re stressed at work, says Harvard-trained psychologist: Anyone can do it