FDA Approves Eli Lilly’s Weight Loss Drug That Helped People Lose Up to 52 Pounds

FDA Approves Eli Lilly's Weight Loss Drug That Helped People Lose Up to 52 Pounds

The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday has approved Zepbound, a new weight loss drug from drugmaker Eli Lilly that in clinical trials has been shown to help people lose up to 52 pounds in 16 months. Related to Zep is the latest entrant in the field of powerful new… Continue Reading FDA Approves Eli Lilly’s Weight Loss Drug That Helped People Lose Up to 52 Pounds

Trish wanted to lose a few pounds, now she’s dead

All Trish Webster wanted was to lose weight for her daughter’s wedding. Just a few months after the big day, she died. The 56-year-old was using weight loss injections, including Ozempic, to quickly lose pounds and her husband Roy believes they killed her. “I couldn’t save her, that’s the hardest… Continue Reading Trish wanted to lose a few pounds, now she’s dead

Sit-ups are useless, expert tells how to lose weight the right way

Sit-ups are useless, expert tells how to lose weight the right way

Fitness Per Brooke Kato Published November 2, 2023, 4:24 pm ET These push-ups may not be absolutely necessary. Exercises that target certain fat groups, whether thunder thighs or love handles, may be futile, experts say. In fact, it’s simply not possible to lose fat through area-specific exercises. Fitness influencers be… Continue Reading Sit-ups are useless, expert tells how to lose weight the right way