How to Live Longer: Doctor Shares 5 Supplements He Takes Every Day to Live Longer

How to Live Longer: Doctor Shares 5 Supplements He Takes Every Day to Live Longer

Many factors contribute to the youthful appearance of the skin and how the body feels with age. According to an expert, the use of supplements can help reduce the signs of aging from the inside. One doctor explained that there are many studies showing that dietary supplements can have “profound”… Continue Reading How to Live Longer: Doctor Shares 5 Supplements He Takes Every Day to Live Longer

A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

A 12% reduction in calorie intake can increase your life by increasing energy and rejuvenating muscles. Cutting calories while maintaining vitamin and mineral levels, known as a calorie-restricted diet, also reduces inflammation and boosts metabolism, according to a new long-term study. It has long been known that calorie restriction delays… Continue Reading A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

3 collagen building tips for firmer and longer skin

Collagen is the key to firm, firm, and flexible skin. Treat your skin like it’s literally golden, because it’s truly invaluable for youthful skin. And like any valuable asset, you want to multiply your investment. come in Collagen bank, or the concept of stimulating more collagen now so your body… Continue Reading 3 collagen building tips for firmer and longer skin

Study reveals new magical number of daily steps needed for a longer life

Study reveals new magical number of daily steps needed for a longer life

The number of steps you take each day may vary depending on the time of the week, what you have planned, or how you are feeling. Some mornings, you might start the day with a brisk walk around the neighborhood or feel especially motivated to hit the trails for a… Continue Reading Study reveals new magical number of daily steps needed for a longer life

Rite Aid will continue to keep phenylephrine medications on shelves, CVS will no longer do so

Rite Aid will continue to keep phenylephrine medications on shelves, CVS will no longer do so

Rite Aid will continue to keep products containing phenylephrine on its shelves, at least for now, a spokesperson told ABC. “Rite Aid follows guidelines from regulatory agencies, including the FDA, and is committed to providing convenient access to safe, approved products to meet the health needs of our customers,” Rite… Continue Reading Rite Aid will continue to keep phenylephrine medications on shelves, CVS will no longer do so

Where the sun will no longer provide enough vitamin D until next spring

Where the sun will no longer provide enough vitamin D until next spring

As the sun shines on you, learn why you need vitamin D and why it protects you from the sun’s rays. Many Americans living north of 37 degrees north latitude will soon need to find an alternative source of vitamin D, a vital nutrient. According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin… Continue Reading Where the sun will no longer provide enough vitamin D until next spring