A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

A 12% reduction in calorie intake can increase your life by increasing energy and rejuvenating muscles. Cutting calories while maintaining vitamin and mineral levels, known as a calorie-restricted diet, also reduces inflammation and boosts metabolism, according to a new long-term study. It has long been known that calorie restriction delays… Continue Reading A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

Homelessness is preventable. Ending it and saving lives is a political choice.

Homelessness is preventable.  Ending it and saving lives is a political choice.

Homelessness is a deadly but preventable public health crisis. People with pre-existing health conditions are at higher risk of homelessness, and on average, people without homes die decades earlier than those with housing. Homelessness itself is constant suffering due to hunger, extreme weather conditions and treatable illnesses. Every day in… Continue Reading Homelessness is preventable. Ending it and saving lives is a political choice.

Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren’s Lives Stressful

Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren's Lives Stressful

Dear Annie: I would like to hear from people who were children of a mother with contamination OCD. My daughter’s therapist has determined that this is a fairly serious case, but my daughter refuses to follow the recommended inpatient program. Instead, she sees the therapist once a week, which is… Continue Reading Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren’s Lives Stressful

Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren’s Lives Stressful

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Dear Annie: I would like to hear from people who were children of a mother with contamination OCD. My daughter’s therapist has determined that this is a fairly serious case, but my daughter refuses to follow the recommended inpatient program. Instead, she sees the therapist once a week, which is… Continue Reading Dear Annie: Contamination of Daughters OCD Makes Grandchildren’s Lives Stressful