Why is collagen popular in the beauty industry?

Why is collagen popular in the beauty industry?

Collagen has become so popular in influencer content on social media that the hashtag #collagen has over 4.4 billion views on TikTok. With the promise of increasing hair and nail growth and skin repair, this protein encourages consumers to include it in their daily supplements. In the United States, sales… Continue Reading Why is collagen popular in the beauty industry?

Can weight loss drugs save the aviation industry (some money)?

Stay informed with free updates Simply register at Pharmaceutical sector myFT Digest – delivered straight to your inbox. Alphaville has received a LOT of research on stocks related to the impact of weight loss drugs such as Ozempic* and Wegovy (mainFT has a great overview here). As the power of… Continue Reading Can weight loss drugs save the aviation industry (some money)?