Middlesex County approves policy change to increase awareness and integration of behavioral health – Insider NJ

Middlesex County approves policy change to increase awareness and integration of behavioral health - Insider NJ

Middlesex County Approves Policy Change to Increase Behavioral Health Awareness and Integration Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the Medical Society of NJ, the AMA and community leaders are at the forefront of integrating and delivering comprehensive behavioral health care. Middlesex County, New Jersey Middlesex County and its Department of… Continue Reading Middlesex County approves policy change to increase awareness and integration of behavioral health – Insider NJ

Hair Care: How to Use Rosemary Oil to Increase Hair Growth

Hair Care: How to Use Rosemary Oil to Increase Hair Growth

Last updated on – November 3, 2023 at 09:58 IST Promote hair growth with rosemary oil In the quest for healthy, vibrant hair, natural remedies like rosemary oil have gained attention for many years for their potential to improve hair growth. Extracted from the herb Rosmarinus officinalis, rosemary oil offers… Continue Reading Hair Care: How to Use Rosemary Oil to Increase Hair Growth

Techniques on how to increase stamina and stamina

Deseret News

People often use stamina and endurance interchangeably, and with good reason. The two words have strong similarities, but there are some differences, according to health experts. Endurance is a person’s ability to perform a workout at maximum performance, which is why it is more focused on high intensity. Endurance is… Continue Reading Techniques on how to increase stamina and stamina

9 Himalayan Herbs Said to Increase Longevity

9 Himalayan Herbs Said to Increase Longevity

TEMPSOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on – October 27, 2023, 07:00 IST The Himalayan region is a treasure trove of biodiversity and natural remedies With its vast expanse of pristine landscapes, the Himalayan region is home to a plethora of medicinal herbs. For centuries, local communities have relied on these herbs… Continue Reading 9 Himalayan Herbs Said to Increase Longevity

Animal tranquilizer added to opioids causes sharp increase in deaths

Animal tranquilizer added to opioids causes sharp increase in deaths

Medical researchers have called for greater education about the increasing illegal supply of opioids in the United States, an animal tranquilizer, xylazine, which not only contributes to deaths but causes severe ulcers and open sores requiring amputation. The authors of a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine… Continue Reading Animal tranquilizer added to opioids causes sharp increase in deaths