NAMI Utah offers free classes for parents and teens with mental illness

NAMI Utah offers free classes for parents and teens with mental illness

Estimated reading time: 2-3 minutes SALT LAKE CITY When Wendy Fayles’ daughter, Kelsey, was in 7th grade, she experienced what doctors later determined was a psychotic break. Overnight, Kelsey went from the student every teacher wanted to clone to someone who had trouble at school, spent a lot of time… Continue Reading NAMI Utah offers free classes for parents and teens with mental illness

New California law aims to force people with mental illness or substance abuse to get help

California's Governor Gavin Newsom speaks to the media after casting his vote at a voting center at The California Museum ...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) More Californians with untreated mental illness and substance abuse problems could be held against their will and forced into treatment under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, a measure aimed at help restructure the state’s mental health system and address its problems. growing homeless crisis.… Continue Reading New California law aims to force people with mental illness or substance abuse to get help

New California law aims to force people with mental illness or substance abuse to get help

New California law aims to force people with mental illness or substance abuse to get help

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) More Californians with untreated mental illness and substance abuse problems could be held against their will and forced into treatment under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, a measure aimed at help overhaul the state’s mental health system and address its problems. growing homeless crisis.… Continue Reading New California law aims to force people with mental illness or substance abuse to get help