Hot yoga for depression: One session a week can help you stay cool, study finds

Hot yoga for depression: One session a week can help you stay cool, study finds

Depression is a growing concern worldwide and a recent study found that practicing hot yoga, even once a week, can reduce symptoms. People may be connected to each other like never before, but they’ve probably never been so depressed and alone. With the rise of technology, it may seem like… Continue Reading Hot yoga for depression: One session a week can help you stay cool, study finds

Study Finds Hot Yoga Can Ease Depression Symptoms

Study Finds Hot Yoga Can Ease Depression Symptoms

A new study found that practicing hot yoga regularly can improve your mood. ADVERTISEMENT We are happy to tell you some good news. Just one hot yoga session a week may help reduce symptoms of depression, according to results of a clinical trial. However, to feel the benefits, you will… Continue Reading Study Finds Hot Yoga Can Ease Depression Symptoms

Hot yoga

Hot yoga

“In the middle of our life’s journeyI found myself inside a dark forest,For the direct path has been lost. Thus begins one of the most famous works of the 14th century, Dante Alighieri’s poemHell. This recently came to mind, not because trying all these different forms of exercise is like… Continue Reading Hot yoga