Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source?  |  - Indian time

The two most common types of milk consumed in India are cow and buffalo milk. Indian cuisine is heavily dependent on milk and its products. Not just for nutrition, milk has great religious significance in the country. From indulgent treats to sacred rituals, milk is widely used in the country.… Continue Reading Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source?  |  - Indian time

The two most common types of milk consumed in India are cow and buffalo milk. Indian cuisine is heavily dependent on milk and its products. Not just for nutrition, milk has great religious significance in the country. From indulgent treats to sacred rituals, milk is widely used in the country.… Continue Reading Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Nutrition needs to be changed to manage fall calving

Nutrition needs to be changed to manage fall calving

Caring for fall-born calves is not much different from caring for spring- or winter-born calves, but there are subtle management changes that can help these calves thrive. One of those differences is nutritional requirements, says Patrick Wall, a beef specialist at Iowa State University. Fall-born calves, unlike spring-born calves, must… Continue Reading Nutrition needs to be changed to manage fall calving