Craving sugar after a healthy meal? Here’s how to deal with it

Craving sugar after a hearty meal can derail all your weight loss efforts. But, why would you like to have an ice cream, chocolate, ladoo or any other dessert after your regular meal? Noted nutritionist Neha Ranglani shared a post on Instagram. When we don’t get enough food during the day, we can experience sugar cravings. At such times, the hunger hormone called ghrelin acts and we feel like we are eating a sweet. Neha says the reasons for such cravings can be physical or psychological.

For example, the body itself can send a message that it wants sweet foods because it is difficult to digest after a meal. This expert explains that the energy needed for the process of digestion and absorption of food can be obtained from this sweet substance. She adds that another reason for sweet cravings can be the regular consumption of dessert after meals as a habit. Another trigger for sugar cravings is an imbalance in the daily intake of micronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fat and fiber. In addition, sugar cravings occur whenever severe restrictions are placed on eating sweet foods. Stress and insufficient sleep can also lead to this problem.

First of all, find out the cause of the sugar craving. Give yourself the necessary rest and sleep. Drink enough water every day.

The expert says that enjoying a dessert after a meal is not always a bad habit. However, if you feel drowsy afterwards, it should be discontinued. You can distract yourself from sleep by taking a walk outside, listening to music or doing some other activity.

Alternatively, if you’re feeling energized after a sweet treat, opt for healthy options like a small amount of dark chocolate, bliss balls, nuts or peanut candies.

Prefer lavender tea to sweets
An alternative to sweets is lavender tea, which provides relief for people suffering from mental stress or headaches. Experts consider lavender tea to be healthy. However, if you drink tea or coffee regularly, you may have to adjust to the taste of lavender tea. Before using this type of tea, consult a health professional or nutritionist. This herbal tea is made by drying lavender buds. However, you should make sure that the lavender plants are grown organically without the use of pesticides or herbicides.

Lavender tea bags are available in the market and online stores
Boil water and steep the tea bag in it for 10 minutes before drinking

#Craving #sugar #healthy #meal #Heres #deal
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