Mediterranean Diet: Food List, Meal Plan, and Benefits

Fortunately, Mediterranean diet foods are not unusual or difficult, but they are fresh. Because the Mediterranean diet is based on fresh, minimally processed plant foods, it’s rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, which are protective plant compounds, says Ward. Below is a list of approved Mediterranean diet foods and how they can benefit your health.

Vegetables and fruits

According to a 2017 journal article, eating plenty of vegetables can help prevent cardiovascular disease.Nutrients. According to a study published in the journal, a diet based on vegetables and fruits can prevent some cancersJournal of the American Dietetic Association.

Legumes and whole grains

Legumes (or types of beans, including lentils) help regulate blood sugar and may have anti-cancer effects. They also provide protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron and other nutrients. Meanwhile, whole grains are also rich in fiber and contain minerals and phytochemicals that reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Olive oil and nuts

The Mediterranean diet relies heavily on extra virgin olive oil, a source of unsaturated fat that has been shown to help reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack and lower blood pressure.

Nuts are nutritional powerhouses packed with unsaturated fats, protein, fiber and B vitamins. Most nuts contain magnesium, which helps support healthy blood pressure and blood sugar and keeps bones strong, among other benefits. And walnuts in particular contain alpha-linoleic acid, an important omega-3 fatty acid that may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.


The Mediterranean diet favors fish over other meat sources. Fish and shellfish provide high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart and brain health and help fight chronic inflammation, and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D and selenium, says Ward. do Cold water fish, such as salmon, have more [healthy] Fats from warmer water fish, but all seafood contains omega-3s.

Red wine and dairy in moderation

The diet allows small amounts of wine with meals, but you don’t have to start drinking if you haven’t already, says Ward. And the operative word in the recommendation is little. The American Heart Association says that means one 5-ounce glass a day for women and two glasses for men. Some studies show that wine, especially red wine, which is rich in phytonutrients, has a beneficial effect on the heart, but the results are not clear.

Meanwhile, the Mediterranean diet encourages the consumption of dairy products such as eggs, cheese and yogurt in moderation. These provide calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D, protein and saturated fat.

Portion measurement is not necessary with this diet, but moderation is key. Remember that eating pattern is most important, and Ward explains that no single food in the Mediterranean diet is a magic bullet for better health, like olive oil. For example, you can’t put as much olive oil on your food as you want, or eat as much feta cheese or nuts as you want.

Sweets and meat in rare cases

In the Mediterranean diet, eat less sweets and meat. Avoid junk food or packaged foods that contain added sugar, saturated fat or salt but little nutrition.

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