What you should actually eat for breakfast

It is breakfast in fact The most important meal of the day? And if the answer is yes, millions of people are wondering what to eat for breakfast. Many of us grew up starting the day with cereal, toast, bagels or bacon bits, but experts are now warning against consuming these sugary, unrefined foods. We looked at what we should have instead.

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

This is a question that actually has no definitive answer. While studies have shown that people who eat breakfast tend to be healthier, those who skip it often have poorer diets and are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. . The results can be explained by the fact that breakfast eaters tend to make healthier choices at other meals.

With restrictive eating practices, such as intermittent fasting, now increasingly popular, where does this leave us when it comes to breakfast? It comes down to personal physiology and lifestyle, says nutritionist Rosemary Ferguson, a functional health specialist. For some, starting the day with an early meal helps with their morning activities and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Others may find that they function better without it. This is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Listening to your body is key.

What should we eat for breakfast?

If you like to eat breakfast, it’s important to make sure you’re eating the right kinds of foods, because the wrong foods can set you up for an unhealthy day ahead. Ferguson says a healthy, balanced breakfast should include a combination of fiber, good fats and protein. These nutrients work together to reduce the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps maintain feelings of satiety and provides a steady release of energy.

“Avoid carb-heavy options like cereal and toast, because they cause rapid spikes in glucose and insulin levels, leading to energy spikes and dips throughout the day,” Ferguson continues. Remember that most cereal boxes that claim to be packed with nutrients actually have an ingredients list that tells a different story: always read the label.

A good breakfast might include a vegetable omelette. raw yogurt (natural and sugar-free) or kefir (both good for your gut) with nuts, seeds, and berries; Or classics like avocado, eggs, and/or smoked salmon. It may not feel natural first thing in the morning, but add more vegetables and replace regular breads with whole grain varieties like German rye or sourdough. Eat this way and you’ll avoid the constant swings in your blood sugar levels, and the inevitable breakdowns in mood and energy and hunger that come with it.

Should I skip breakfast?

Where does time-limited eating fit into all of this? If you’re someone who’s been learning about the health benefits that shortening your daily eating window can have for your health, and you’ve already written off eating breakfast as a way to do it, think again.

#eat #breakfast
Image Source : www.glamour.com

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