Study reveals new magical number of daily steps needed for a longer life

The number of steps you take each day may vary depending on the time of the week, what you have planned, or how you are feeling. Some mornings, you might start the day with a brisk walk around the neighborhood or feel especially motivated to hit the trails for a long walk with your pup. On other days, you can use your walking mat while taking work calls or participating in virtual meetings. Whatever the case, if a regular walking habit is something you strive to achieve, you’re probably wondering how you can maximize the benefits of an invigorating walk. Well, a recent study published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology identifies how many steps should be taken every day to live longer, and the number is certainly achievable! Keep reading to learn more, and when you’re done, be sure to check out This Is the New ‘Magic Number’ of Days You Need to Exercise to See Results, Study Says.

See how many steps you need to take every day to live longer.


When talking about various healthy habits to promote a long and healthy existence, it should come as no surprise that regular exercise is at the top of the list. There is numerous research that associates lifelong exercise with a prolonged period of health, helping to postpone 40 chronic health problems/diseases. Some of these conditions include breast cancer, hypertension, insulin resistance, obesity, osteoporosis, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Despite the amazing benefits associated with regular physical activity, 2021 statistics reveal that only about 21% of men and about 19% of women in the United States engage in exercise, sports and recreational activities every day.

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To encourage you to increase your daily movement without trying too hard! A new study has discovered the ideal number of steps that provide the most benefits, along with the ideal walking pace. While it’s certainly not frowned upon to try to get 10,000 steps a day, you really don’t need to take that many to enjoy the incredible benefits that come from walking. In fact, a recent study found that 8,000 steps is the new magic number of daily steps for extending your life.

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The search:

The investigation, led by the University of Granada, carried out a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of data from 12 international studies that examined more than 110,000 participants. This study’s findings align with more recent research showing that health benefits can be gained from taking fewer than 10,000 daily steps.

The study’s lead author, Francisco B. Ortega, professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sports at UGR, explained: “Traditionally, many people thought it was necessary to take around 10,000 steps a day to obtain health benefits – an idea that has emerged of Japan in the 1960s, but it had no scientific basis.” Ortega added: “We showed for the first time that the more steps you take, the better, and that no excessive number of steps is proven to be harmful to your health.”

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This research offers the first scientific evidence of the number of daily steps that can substantially reduce the risk of early mortality. The average stride length is about 30 inches for men and 26 inches for women, so walking 8,000 steps a day is about four miles. Additionally, research shows that walking at a faster pace, as opposed to a slower pace, is linked to a decreased risk of early death, regardless of how many steps you take each day.

“Our study gives people clear, easily measurable objectives,” noted Esme Bakker, one of the study’s lead authors and Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher at the University of Granada. “(Inter)national physical activity recommendations advise adults to practice 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. But most people don’t know which exercises count as moderate intensity, making it difficult to check their compliance with this exercise standard. . Counting steps is much simpler, especially since most people have a smartphone or smartwatch these days.”

Alex Mellardo

Alexa is Eat This, Not That!’s Deputy Mind + Body Editor, overseeing the M+B channel and delivering engaging topics on fitness, wellness and self-care to readers. Read more about Alexa

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