Goodbye fatigue! Expert Recommends Drink Recipes to De-Stress

Fatigue can be due to a variety of reasons: it could be age, underlying health conditions, or simply a workload that leaves us tired and exhausted at the end of the day. What do you do then? Let’s agree, most of us don’t pay much attention to it and believe in simply resting to regain energy. That’s it! We tend to ignore this feeling of fatigue most of the time, but according to experts, it should not be left untreated. In fact, anything unusual in your body should not be left unattended. In addition to consulting an expert, it is also important to take care of your diet. Eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet can help increase your body’s energy levels.
We recently discovered some expert-recommended drink options known to bid goodbye to your fatigue, especially adrenal fatigue. These de-stress drink recipes are shared by nutritionist Shikha Gupta on her Instagram account.
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What is adrenal fatigue? The expert explains:

Adrenal fatigue is a term used to explain fatigue experienced following prolonged exposure to stressful situations. This is when our adrenal glands become overworked and, as a result, stop producing hormones, including cortisol, which are known to help our bodies respond to stress, says nutritionist Shikha Gupta. This leads to symptoms such as exhaustion, fatigue, lack of energy, etc.
Shikha Gupta further states that minerals lost in adrenal fatigue are sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. The goal is to replenish lost minerals and improve adrenal function. She shares two “adrenal cocktail” variations that are packed with minerals and nutrients and can help produce hormones to deal with stress and fatigue. Let’s check.

Drinks to de-stress: 2 drinks recommended by experts to overcome fatigue:

1. Banana-Spinach Cocktail for Energy:

To make this drink, you need coconut water, banana, spinach (or kale), and sea salt (or pink salt). Just mix it all together and drink. Each of these ingredients is enriched with nutrients known to improve overall health. You can also add honey or pitted dates and cream of tartar to enhance the flavor profile of the drink.

2. Lemon-Honey-Rose Salt Cocktail:

This zesty drink will fill you up with various antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals to boost energy and overall health. All you have to do is take filtered water, honey, sea salt (or pink salt), lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper in a glass, mix all and take a sip.
Read also: Invisible link between stress and eating habits – and how to fix it

Try these energy drinks at home and de-stress. But always remember that moderation is key!

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