4 tips on how to control your weight during the festive season

In addition to keeping you active to control your weight, these activities give you the opportunity to create lasting memories with your friends and family.

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A time of joy, celebration and indulgence is the holiday season. It’s a time of year when there are lots of family gatherings, parties, and feasts, and it’s simple to go overboard on the delicious treats and fatty foods that are everywhere. While it’s important to make the most of this time, it’s equally important to strike a balance and successfully manage your weight so you don’t have problems with extra weight in the new year. The following four suggestions can help you get through the holidays without letting your weight get out of control.

Stay active and practice physical activities:

Engaging in leisure activities like playing cards or spending hours on the couch is a classic trap during the holiday season. Instead of succumbing to this sedentary temptation, create fun activities that include some level of mobility. Plan backyard competitions for your family to play football, frisbee or badminton. Encourage your loved ones to participate by making this a fun and beneficial opportunity to connect during the holidays. In addition to keeping you active, these activities give you the opportunity to create lasting memories with your friends and family.

Additionally, consider offering to help with physically labor-intensive tasks, such as tidying up decor or helping with meal preparation. Every little bit of exercise adds up and helps balance the excess calories you may consume during the holiday season.

Portion control, not food avoidance:

It’s a common notion that some meals should be avoided completely during the holiday season. But rather than avoiding it entirely, it’s more about moderation and portion management. Giving up your favorite holiday treats could result in overeating later. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy smaller portions of these delicious treats.

Prioritize vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains when choosing what to put in your meal. You can feel full and satisfied on fewer calories if you choose one of these nutrient-dense meals. Allow yourself to enjoy a limited amount of delicious food without guilt. Just keep in mind that controlling your portion sizes is more important than restricting your diet.

Maintain consistent exercise:

Our daily schedules, including our fitness habits, are often disrupted during the Christmas season. It’s simple to skip exercise altogether when you have travel plans and a busy schedule. To control your weight, it’s important to stay consistent with your fitness program — even during the holiday season.

Instead of completely disrupting your routines, modify them to suit your needs. Choose workouts lasting 20 to 25 minutes and high intensity. Bodyweight exercises, circuit training, and tabata workouts are great options for quick, efficient workouts that keep your fitness levels high. Even small activities like brisk walks, quick bodyweight exercises, or dancing to your favorite Christmas song can be done throughout the day. Setting aside time in your day for exercise can keep you accountable and prevent you from skipping workouts altogether.

Prioritize hydration:

People often forget to drink enough water during the holiday season, especially when alcohol is abundant at gatherings. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, which means it increases urine production and can cause the loss of vital fluids from the body, which can result in dehydration.

Make hydration a priority in an effort to combat this. Make a point of hydrating yourself throughout the day, especially if you plan to drink alcohol. Alternating between alcohol and water helps keep you hydrated while limiting your alcohol consumption. To consume fewer calories, consider selecting drinks with less calories or without alcohol.

Therefore, with a balanced approach, it is possible to control your weight during the holiday season. Stay active, practice physical activity, watch your portions, exercise regularly and prioritize hydration. With these suggestions, you can participate in the festivities while controlling your weight, giving you the confidence and health you need to enter the new year. Never forget that moderation and thoughtful decisions are more important than severe deprivation. Take care of your health while enjoying the festivities and cherishing the time you spend with loved ones.

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Image Source : www.mid-day.com

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