4 best foods and drinks that can improve your brain health

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s rates are on the rise, and many experts point to poor eating habits as one of the many causes. However, this means that people can prevent these conditions by making positive changes in their diet.

Research has linked several amino acids, proteins, and other compounds found in many foods found in your local grocery store or even in your refrigerator to brain health.

Foods that are good for your brain

Salmon fish

Salmon and other fatty fish such as tuna and anchovies are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these acids are vital to cellular function and promote membrane health and keep the body’s cells functioning at a high level.

Diets rich in omega-3 acids are associated with better brain cell health and increased blood flow to the brain, which is also believed to prevent cognitive problems. In turn, people who eat a diet high in fatty fish have better learning, cognition and memory.

The Food and Drug Administration recommends that a person eat about 8 ounces, or about half a pound, of fish each week.


Blueberries, a well-known superfood, are rich in chemicals called flavonoids. These chemicals are antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body that cause DNA damage and can reduce oxidative stress, prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, and protect the body against many diseases. Protect from toxins.

These benefits can help maintain brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline and other harmful neurological issues.

Previous research has linked regular consumption of blueberries and other flavonoid-rich fruits, such as strawberries, to increased brain health in old age.


Now part of many people’s daily routine, coffee can help increase long-term alertness and cognitive performance.

According to previous research, when used in moderation, caffeine can help a person make and store memories better. People who drink coffee regularly have also shown better alertness, health, concentration and mood.

However, these benefits mainly apply to black coffee or just straight caffeine. Sugar has long been linked to many brain problems, so adding it to your morning coffee should be limited.

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Spinach and other dark leafy greens, such as kale and kale, are rich in vitamins and minerals that have long been linked to brain health.

Vegetables are rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin K and folate. Research has shown that eating just one serving of leafy greens per day is associated with reduced levels of cognitive decline with age.

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Image Source : themessenger.com

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