Ks Golden Sea Moss promotes traditional medicine

Inviting audiences to return to traditional medicine, Kareece Lawrence blazes a trail through K’s Golden Sea Moss. Sea moss, also known as Irish moss, is a nutrient-rich algae. Harvested primarily for its many benefits, sea moss has gained popularity as a vegan and gluten-free option to meet dietary needs.

For Lawrence, her journey with superfoods began in 2017 when she began looking for something to fill the gaps in her diet.

“I’ve been going plant-based since 2008, then I switched to Italian in 2014. After three or four years of this journey, I started to develop a lot of allergies and, I guess, body sensitivities, to which many women also tend. to have. So throughout my research on what would be a good food, because I’m one of those people who strongly believes in getting the source directly from food rather than living on supplements, and I have discovered sea moss was a good thing to work with,” she said Way of life.

‘Sea vegetable’

She continued: “Sea moss is very rich in minerals and it is also high in protein. In terms of minerals, your body currently contains 102, and this food contains 92. So, it’s roughly 15 percent minerals, 10 percent protein, and it’s also high in iodine and sulfur. If I had to explain it simply, I would call it a sea vegetable.

During his exploration phase, Lawrence reached out to a dear friend and nutritionist for advice on how to effectively incorporate this new food into his diet. “She made this amazing meal with this rice texture and then she stir-fried some, it was just a varied way to prepare it and it was really nice and my body felt great,” Lawrence said. .

Although color can often be unattractive, Lawrence says people must let go of their reserves to reap the rewards of life.

“It’s good for us to be very upfront about how things look, because we can’t ignore the fact that we also eat with our eyes. Many of us like to see things that look shiny, but one thing I will tell people, I think the first thing that human beings really need to do is [understand] is that if you eat the best foods for your body, it’s not just about the sweet, salty and peppery ones, as many of us know. There are many other flavors that are very important if your body wants to be at its optimal. You have to get used to spicy foods, bitters and detoxification,” she explained.

After beginning his own journey of self-development, Lawrence began advocating with his friends and family in 2020, encouraging them to protect themselves from the virus that was wreaking havoc across the world. Although some of her friends were receptive, Lawrence mentioned that her friend Kris was unhappy with the long preparation process.

“She said to me, ‘Reece, I’m all for doing this, but I don’t have the time.’ So she said make it for me and I’ll buy it for you,” Lawrence revealed. Scoffing at the idea of ​​charging her friend, she prepared the sea moss for her as a gift.

Recalling that moment more than three years ago, Lawrence said: “So she uses it, she loves it and she said to me ‘Kareece, I’m serious, you need to do a little more for me please, I will personally buy it and I’m sure there are other people who would too.

Meeting the founders of Femme Creative by chance a few days later, Lawrence used this sisterly responsibility to launch her brand.

“I was lucky to have a good community of people who were very supportive,” she marveled.

Lawrence now offers sea moss gel in 10- and 16-ounce containers ranging from $2,500 to $4,500.

“I realize that sometimes culture shapes the way we eat and the way we live, but your lifestyle really has to be focused on your body, which is like your mental body, your spiritual body, your emotional body to get the food that serves you best. Often if we check this in Jamaica, our grandparents are really doing things right, whether we think they are studied or not, but they are really connected to the land,” she explained.


#Golden #Sea #Moss #promotes #traditional #medicine
Image Source : jamaica-gleaner.com

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