Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source?  |  - Indian time

The two most common types of milk consumed in India are cow and buffalo milk. Indian cuisine is heavily dependent on milk and its products. Not just for nutrition, milk has great religious significance in the country. From indulgent treats to sacred rituals, milk is widely used in the country.… Continue Reading Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source?  |  - Indian time

The two most common types of milk consumed in India are cow and buffalo milk. Indian cuisine is heavily dependent on milk and its products. Not just for nutrition, milk has great religious significance in the country. From indulgent treats to sacred rituals, milk is widely used in the country.… Continue Reading Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

How to Live Longer: Doctor Shares 5 Supplements He Takes Every Day to Live Longer

How to Live Longer: Doctor Shares 5 Supplements He Takes Every Day to Live Longer

Many factors contribute to the youthful appearance of the skin and how the body feels with age. According to an expert, the use of supplements can help reduce the signs of aging from the inside. One doctor explained that there are many studies showing that dietary supplements can have “profound”… Continue Reading How to Live Longer: Doctor Shares 5 Supplements He Takes Every Day to Live Longer

Craving sugar after a healthy meal? Here’s how to deal with it

Do you experience sugar cravings after a healthy meal? Heres how to tackle it

Craving sugar after a hearty meal can derail all your weight loss efforts. But, why would you like to have an ice cream, chocolate, ladoo or any other dessert after your regular meal? Noted nutritionist Neha Ranglani shared a post on Instagram. When we don’t get enough food during the… Continue Reading Craving sugar after a healthy meal? Here’s how to deal with it

Legumes significantly improve the nutritional profile of the American diet

Legumes significantly improve the nutritional profile of the American diet

A recent study published in NutrientsAn open-access scientific journal shows that swapping legumes for small amounts of conventional protein sources and refined grains significantly improves the nutritional profile of the American diet. This new research adds to the growing body of evidence showing the multiple benefits of including legumes as… Continue Reading Legumes significantly improve the nutritional profile of the American diet

Just in time for the holiday rush, St. George-based Balance of Nature is resuming normal operations

Just in time for the holiday rush, St. George-based Balance of Nature is resuming normal operations

The inventory of natural products, the date and place have not been specified Photo by Balance of Nature, St. George News ST. George A popular nutritional supplement company in St. George has announced that it is resuming a normal shipping schedule after a brief halt in operations. Balance of Nature… Continue Reading Just in time for the holiday rush, St. George-based Balance of Nature is resuming normal operations

8 easy ways to get more fiber

8 easy ways to get more fiber

If you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t get enough fiber in your diet. Only 7% of Americans eat enough fiber. “Fiber deficiency is truly epidemic,” says Michael Greger, MD, director of and author of the forthcoming book. How not to grow old. Fiber is the part of plant… Continue Reading 8 easy ways to get more fiber

How to Celebrate Hanukkah in Boston

How to Celebrate Hanukkah in Boston

The Jewish Festival of Lights begins the night of Thursday, December 7th and runs through Friday, December 15th this year, with restaurants and markets around Boston getting ready for the holidays with loads of sweet sufganiot and crunchy latkes. Below, find a guide to festive dining and dining around Boston.… Continue Reading How to Celebrate Hanukkah in Boston

Mediterranean Diet: Food List, Meal Plan, and Benefits

Mediterranean Diet: Food List, Meal Plan, and Benefits

Fortunately, Mediterranean diet foods are not unusual or difficult, but they are fresh. Because the Mediterranean diet is based on fresh, minimally processed plant foods, it’s rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, which are protective plant compounds, says Ward. Below is a list of approved Mediterranean diet foods and… Continue Reading Mediterranean Diet: Food List, Meal Plan, and Benefits